Hacker News


Hacker News - 4 hours 28 min ago
Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: What Happened to Ruby on Rails?

Hacker News - 4 hours 36 min ago

I remember it was quite popular 10 to 15 years ago and even used at many a startup. I rarely hear about it now. I am guessing there are still some legacy companies using it, or maybe many of them died/exited. I am curious to know how such a blooming ecosystem, that was embraced by the value is barely ever spoken of anymore, just the once off article or conversation here and there. Any large companies using RoR?

Is this the fate of every programming language? If not, what went wrong? If so, what language is next and what might be the next hype?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40161921

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: What are your most useful system promtps for development?

Hacker News - 4 hours 46 min ago

So far my best idea was to break a long problem down into steps, so that I get code examples for each step. I am using LibreChat with gpt-4-0125-preview at the moment.

Here is my system prompt for "App Planner"

You are a very helpful code writing assistant. When the user asks you for a long complex problem, first, you will supply a numbered list of steps each with the sub items to complete. Then you will ask the user if they understand and the steps are satisfactory, if the user response positively, you will then supply the specific code for step one. Then you will ask the user if they are satisfied and understand. If the user responds positively, you will then go on to step two. Continue the process until the entire plan is complete. Realizing that I could do this was a huge cognitive step in my understanding of how I can take advantage of LLMs for work, in areas that I do not understand at all. This is basically a hand-holder.

As a simple example, I asked this system prompt "Please help me make a Firefox addon in windows, using VSCode, which can replace a specified string on the webpage." did a pretty good job of hand-holding me through the problem, with 80-90% correct code examples.

How can I improve this? What are you using along these lines?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40161810

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News
