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Updated: 2 min 13 sec ago

Slowest Growing Industries for 2025

6 min 16 sec ago

1. Retail Trade Changes in shopping toward online continuse to decrease foot traffic in brick-and-mortar stores. Rising operating costs and changing consumer behaviors are taking their toll. Retail employment is projected to shrink significantly. Online shopping will continue outpacing in-store purchasing.

2. Manufacturing While automation has boosted productivity it has reduced the need for human labor. Textile and apparel production are under pressure from global competition and reduced domestic demand. https://www.bls.gov/emp/tables/fastest-declining-occupations.htm

3. Coal and Fossil Fuel Power Generation The switch towards renewable energy sources, along with more stringent environmental regulations and a decline in investment in fossil fuel infrastructure will make this industry experience slow growth. Employment will be falling in coal mining and related industries https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2023/article/industry-and-occupational-employment-projections-overview-and-highlights-2022-32.

4. Postal Service Digital communication has lowered demand for traditional mail services. Although the delivery of parcels has increased, the overall trend for postal and related services continues downward. Bureau of Labor Statistics

5. Hospitality and Travel Many regions still see reduced international travel and labor shortages following the pandemic. Segments, such as business travel, have permanently changed due to virtual meeting technologies

Challenges in technological advancements, changing consumer behavior, and changing regulatory requirements are some of the factors hindering growth in these sectors. For more information, please consult the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and associated economic analyses.


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Top Fastest Growing Industries 2025

10 min 15 sec ago

The top five fastest-growing industries for 2025 are:

1.Renewable Energy Solar and wind power will show major growth. Renewable energy will become greater than coal as an energy source.The global focus on sustainability, government incentives, technological advancements, and higher investments in green infrastructure will result in expansion of the industry.

2.Healthcare and Social Assistance The industry has growth at a CAGR of 7.15% per year, with a projected valuation of over $3 trillion by the year 2025. The growth is due to increasing population age, more treatment of chronic conditions, advancement in AI for healthcare operations, and increasing insurance coverage for mental disorders.

3.Software Development and IT Services The industry is expected to show an annual growth rate of 14.51%. Much of this growh is from application of AI, cybersecurity, and blockchain, as well as the ever-increasing demand for digital infrastructure across industries.

4.Electric Vehicles and Battery Manufacturing Industry-wide revenue is growing at an annualized 29.6%, with increasing demand from other industries. This can be attributed to increasing environmental concern, government incentives, and falling costs of EV manufacturing.

5.3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping 17.2% CAGR, industrial uses along with consumer applications are responsible for future growth. As the technology is becomes cheaper and there are improvements in material availability there will be higher demand in prototyping by industries such as health care, automotive, and aerospace.


These industries are riding on global trends of sustainability, technology, and changes in consumer behavior making them attractive for investments and career opportunities.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42487324

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12 min 3 sec ago

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42487307

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How much does The Cloud really cost?

21 min 14 sec ago

Article URL: https://baremetalsavings.com/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42487241

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