Hacker News

Chicken and Egg Problem

Hacker News - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 9:28am

I've got a trading algo that performs well, even after trying to sink it with ridiculous slippage and exorbitant fees. I've been building trading algos for several years and while I make no claims to being a pro (especially since I've not made myself absurdly wealthy off my efforts) I am familiar enough with common pitfalls and have been forward-testing this long enough to believe that this may be a real winner. It's capacity-constrained so likely only good for one or two individual investors, certainly not anything remotely resembling a fund. It trades a futures product and requires a fair amount of capital to cover margin reqs...more than I have or would have for a VERY long time. Does anyone have experience bringing their algos to private investors for funding? TIA

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41531083

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Categories: Hacker News

The A-Z of Product Psychology

Hacker News - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 9:22am
Categories: Hacker News
