Hacker News

The Socket Python SDK

Hacker News - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 10:32am
Categories: Hacker News

Getting Enterprise AI Strategy Right

Hacker News - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 10:31am
Categories: Hacker News

Funded by YC (Your Cents)

Hacker News - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 10:25am

Article URL: https://www.fundedbyyc.com/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41531558

Points: 2

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Livebook Teams

Hacker News - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 10:24am

Article URL: https://livebook.dev/teams/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41531546

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: I open-sourced my HEX code to Tailwind color converter

Hacker News - Fri, 09/13/2024 - 10:17am

I posted 3 months ago about a little web app I built that converts a HEX code to a Tailwind color (hextotailwind.com). I wanted it to be one of those online tools that get decent traffic.

I managed to get it ranked 2nd on Google and 3rd on Bing for the "hex to tailwind" phrase. However, it's not generating enough traffic to warrant me investing more time on it. See the analytics here: https://um.app.taralys.com/share/9lrPut4XEF1miVx3/hextotailw...

So I decided to open-source the project. I know it's not that big of a deal, but I figured I should give it a go.

Any questions, let me know!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41531491

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News
