Hacker News

Ask HN: Is there something like Infinite Mac for any '00s-era cellphones?

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 11:14am

I'm helping with sound for a production taking place in the aughts, and I'd love to use an actual mobile phone OS to capture the sound from the interface for what the characters are doing. Not any one specific phone (though the original Razr wouldn't be inappropriate) but standard feature phone would be great.

I'm failing to find anything searching online, but I figure there's at least one instance of this out there – if an entire desktop operating system from the end of the '90s works in the browser, something that fit on a phone must too.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41540317

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Diffumon – A Basic Image Generating Diffusion Model

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 10:57am

I wanted to start getting into paper reproduction, so I created an implementation of Ho et al 2020 - the basic diffusion model that showed diffusion is a viable technique for image generation.

I hope this implementation is a bit simpler than others, and certainly easier to install/reproduce than other implementations for educational purposes.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41540211

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

The Weight of the Co-Sign

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 10:52am
Categories: Hacker News
