Hacker News


Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 12:18pm
Categories: Hacker News

Roundabout Production

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 12:17pm
Categories: Hacker News

Live Breaking Pipeline Fire in La Porte

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 11:30am

Article URL: https://abc13.com/watch/live/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41557064

Points: 1

# Comments: 1

Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Thinkercan – AI math solver with CAS

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 11:27am

Thinkercan is a tool that leverages AI and a Computer Algebra System (CAS) to solve math problems step-by-step. The AI reasons the problem and determines when to apply CAS for solving or simplifying. Each solution is presented in a detailed, educational format to enhance understanding like photomath and wolfram.

It’s designed to support both basic and advanced math problems, offering insight into the problem-solving process.

Looking forward to your feedback.


Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41557038

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: What runs L4-related microkernels/hypervisors these days?

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 11:26am

I've been learning about the L4 microkernel, and am thinking about doing something related to it for a research project. I'm especially curious about more recent examples of specific devices that run L4 variants (seL4, PikeOS, OKL4, etc.). I already found a few that use seL4, but to take OKL4 as an example, most of the specific devices I could find are from more than a decade ago, and I'm trying to find things from at least the last 5 or 6 years. I'm even more curious to find devices that use a form of L4 as a hypervisor.

Has anyone here worked on a device that used an L4-related kernel or hypervisor? I know one major area they're used in is defense and full of NDAs, but hopefully some of the other industries they're used in (medical devices, automotive, IoT) are a little less restrictive. Thanks in advance!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41557030

Points: 2

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Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: TensorZero – open-source data and learning flywheel for LLMs

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 11:25am

Hi HN!

We're Gabriel & Viraj, and we're excited to open source TensorZero.

To be a little cheeky, TensorZero is an open-source platform that helps LLM applications graduate from API wrappers into defensible AI products.

1. Integrate our model gateway

2. Send metrics or feedback

3. Unlock compounding improvements in quality, cost, and latency

It enables a data & learning flywheel for LLMs by unifying:

• Inference: one API for all LLMs, with <1ms P99 overhead

• Observability: inference & feedback → your database

• Optimization: better prompts, models, inference strategies

• Experimentation: built-in A/B testing, routing, fallbacks

Our goal is to help engineers build, manage, and optimize the next generation of LLM applications: AI systems that learn from real-world experience.

In addition to a Quick Start (5min) [1] and a Tutorial (30min) [2], we've also published a series of complete runnable examples illustrating TensorZero's data & learning flywheel.

• Writing Haikus to Satisfy a Judge with Hidden Preferences [3] – my personal favorite

• Fine-Tuning TensorZero JSON Functions for Named Entity Recognition (CoNLL++) [4]

• Automated Prompt Engineering for Math Reasoning (GSM8K) with a Custom Recipe (DSPy) [5]


[1] https://www.tensorzero.com/docs/gateway/quickstart

[2] https://www.tensorzero.com/docs/gateway/tutorial

[3] https://github.com/tensorzero/tensorzero/tree/main/examples/...

[4] https://github.com/tensorzero/tensorzero/tree/main/examples/...

[5] https://github.com/tensorzero/tensorzero/tree/main/examples/...

We hope you find TensorZero useful! Feedback and questions are very welcome. If you're interested in using it at work, we'd be happy to set up a Slack channel with your team (free).

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41557020

Points: 9

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: How to run a startup sponsored competition?

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 11:21am

We plan to run a competition with a prize pool as an experimental way of finding amazing candidates. Has anyone seen this work out?

For the top submissions we will extend an offer to join the team.

For the winning submission, we also plan to ship their solution into Danswer so that their work has impact beyond the competition. The goal will be to create a solution for query expansion to use in RAG. To be able to actually productionize it and to encourage more creative thinking (can’t just finetune a pretrained encoder decoder transformer), we have a few requirements:

[1] If it’s deep learning based, it must be capable of running on CPU (up to 50 tokens in 200ms or less on a 4 cpu core machine) [2] It must not rely on any proprietary or restrictively licensed software

I know there is Kaggle but I don’t believe they allow constraints like the above ^

What is the best way to run a competition like this?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41556983

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

UFO 50 is a collection of 50 games

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 11:21am

Article URL: https://50games.fun/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41556982

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News
