Hacker News

Tell HN: Restack.io is spamming the web with bogus technical content

Hacker News - Wed, 09/18/2024 - 8:19pm

The last couple of weeks, when using Google to search for technical content, I've often stumbled upon AI-generated blog posts from Restack.io, a startup building AI developer tools. These all seem to be AI generated, and, critically, often seem to be either technically incorrect or at least highly misleading.

The blog posts in question have nothing to do with Restack's own products. They seem to have generated thousands of blog posts on all kinds of technical topics. For example, searching for "Streamlit icons", I found this page:


which confidently tells one to use the "st.icon()" function to add icons to your Streamlit app. Streamlit has no such API, and never has; this is completely hallucinated information that was clearly generated by an LLM.

Last week I sunk about an hour into getting a "solution" proposed by a Restack blog post working, only to discover that the approach it was describing simply does not work.

Here's a page that tells you how to deploy Streamlit on AWS Amplify:


This page is totally bogus. Streamlit is a Python package, and Amplify requires a Node.js program. What it is describing is impossible. But the article is very confident in its tone and wording, making it look like an easy matter of running a few commands. Someone who did not understand this fundamental limitation of Amplify and Streamlit working together could sink a _lot_ of time into trying to debug why it was not working.

Shockingly, they seem to have thousands of these AI-generated blog posts on their site. Here is just the list of the first 100 (out of more than 500) articles about Streamlit that they have generated:


I find this appalling in large part because Restack is an AI company. They are clearly doing this to boost their SEO, but in so doing they are wasting the time of good people who have jobs to do and are used to relying on Google searches to surface useful, relevant content. Even worse, I fear this Restack garbage will end up in the next web crawl used to train future AI models, which will now, themselves, hallucinate back the garbage that Restack has fed them.

Restack, you can do better. Please take down your broken and misleading AI-generated blog posts.

Ironically, once Google catches on that the entire Restack.io site is spam, they will probably stop showing up in any Google searches. I hope the SEO was worth it while it's still live.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41587090

Points: 2

# Comments: 1

Categories: Hacker News

Is ARC challenge the next ImageNet challenge?

Hacker News - Wed, 09/18/2024 - 8:14pm

I guess the Imagenet challenge helped progress the Computer Vision research. In the same way, the ARC challenge will be the next important challenge that tests the LLMs.

What are your opinions?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41587056

Points: 2

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Beware System Decay

Hacker News - Wed, 09/18/2024 - 8:01pm
Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Bite Ballot – Vote on where to eat

Hacker News - Wed, 09/18/2024 - 7:47pm

This is a web app for quickly settling on where to eat as a group. (Feel free to critique the landing page.)

Unique features compared to other polling apps:

- No sign-up step.

- Enhanced Approval Voting: veto/ok/prefer. You may vote for multiple restaurant options.

- Real-time ballot updates so new candidates can be seen and voted on immediately.

- Ties are always broken randomly.

- Implemented with HTMx + hyperscript + jinja, enabling SSR and HATEOAS.

If you want to test the functionality by yourself, you can start a ballot, then copy the join link and open it in a different browser (or device). Each browser will be recognized as a separate user.

But give it a try in an actual group if you're able to. I find it nice and satisfying to use. You can just trust that the ballot result has picked the best place to eat for your group. Let me know if you feel the same way.

Aside from designing and implementing a new voting system, the other part I'm most proud of is the join-ballot flow. The intersection of possible states creates a plethora of cases that need to be handled differently:

- The joiner may not have a user (name) -> ask for name.

- The joiner may already be in an active ballot -> confirm abandoning the current ballot to join the new one.

- The joiner may be in a completed ballot -> let them join without confirmation.

- The joiner may be trying to join the ballot they're already in -> tell them, and let them return to their ballot.

- The joiner may have clicked their own join link as a way to get back to the ballot -> warn them to check if it has opened in a different browser.

- The ballot they're trying to join may be completely abandoned or already finished -> tell them, then let them create a new ballot or return to their current ballot if they have one.

Just handling all these different cases was hard enough, but I think I was able to simplify the code down enough to keep it maintainable.

If I can get enough users and monetize this, maybe I can afford to add more features like maps, yelp stars, or menus by paying for Google Maps and/or Yelp Fusion API access. In the meantime, the next big feature would be persistent user accounts/logins so that a single user can sign in on different browsers/devices and have their restaurants and restaurant info (like links to Yelp pages) saved and synced -- while still supporting the original minimal sign-up flow (just name). But let me know if you can think of other good features to add.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41586884

Points: 2

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

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The Crackpot Index

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