Hacker News

Show HN: Convert plain text to formatted documents with one click

Hacker News - Sat, 09/07/2024 - 6:47pm

The title says it all really, it's quite a simple system that takes plain text and formats it nicely based on templates and outputs the result to a PDF in one click.

It's currently free and easy to test directly from my site's front page.

I developed it because I was job hunting and giving ChatGPT the job description and my resume and asking for it to rejig my resume to better fit the job. I then needed to format the result each time and thought there had to be a better, automated, way. I couldn't find anything that just formatted text at the click of a button - outside of the usual markdown etc. - so figured I'd have to build it. (And I'm not a 'coder' so it's held together with string and spit but it works).

It's really just a (useable) proof of concept at the moment and I have a lot of ideas for improvements such as the obvious: drag and drop Word/PDF docs to reformat them, add heading numbers/page numbers, handle images, edit/fine tune the output before creating the PDF etc. Also presentations - I'm looking at setting up templates to create Power Point documents on the fly. I think it could be quite a useful system for people needing to quickly create a presentation on the fly as it's something that can easily be done from mobile.

There's also an 'experimental' button that has a teachers quiz that inputs the questions in the right place in the template. Pretty simple, but I was reading some threads from teachers crying out for a simple solution like that - hoping to get feedback this weekend.

Keen to hear if you feel you would have a use for my app in its currently state or with the added features!

Thanks guys.


Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41476926

Points: 1

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