Hacker News

Show HN: Clace – Application Server with support for scaling down to zero

Hacker News - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 9:50am

I have been building the open source project https://github.com/claceio/clace. Clace is an application server that builds and deploys containers, allowing it to manage webapps in any language/framework.

Compared to application servers like Nginx Unit, Clace has the advantage of being able to work with any application, without requiring any dependency or packaging changes. Clace provides a blue-green staged deployment model for apps. Not just code changes, even configuration changes are staged and can be verified before being made live.

Clace is not a PaaS solution, it does not support deploying databases and other auxiliary services. It does share the fact that it manages containers with PaaS solutions. Clace is different in that it builds its own reverse proxy, instead of depending on Traefik/Nginx. This allows Clace to implement features like shutting down idle apps and adding app level OAuth authentication. Clace runs natively on Windows/OSX in addition to Linux. Clace works with Docker/Podman/Orbstack.

Clace allows you to run hundreds of apps on a single machine. Since app containers are shut down when not in use, there is no CPU/memory resource usage when the apps are idle. It provides a Google Cloud Run type interface on your own hardware.

https://clace.io/ has a demo video and docs. Do let me know any feedback.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41511386

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

If a new Secure OS were to be developed, what OS architecture would it be?

Hacker News - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 9:46am

If developing a new security-oriented (general-purpose) OS, what kind of OS architecture (the overall structure of the OS to begin with) would it be? And why? Are there any existing OSs that are similar?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41511334

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Will the AirPods Pro 2 hearing aid require a prescription in Canada?

Hacker News - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 9:45am

Canada has not deregulated hearing aids.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41511329

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Need help with interviewing a professional assignment

Hacker News - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 9:39am


I hope you’re doing well. I couldn't find an interviewee yet, so I am posting it again.

For an assignment, I am looking to interview someone actively working within my aspired professional field of software development or any sort of programming. The interview will be brief, and I’m looking to gain insights from professionals like yourself who are experienced in the field.

If you or someone in your network is available for a short conversation, I would be grateful for the opportunity to connect and learn from your experiences.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to hearing from you!


Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41511264

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Infrastructure from Code

Hacker News - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 9:35am

Article URL: https://infrastructurefromcode.com/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41511226

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

GenAIPot v0.6.5 Release

Hacker News - Wed, 09/11/2024 - 9:26am
Categories: Hacker News
