Hacker News

Skyline: Automate GitHub App creation

Hacker News - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 8:04pm

Article URL: https://github.com/cased/skyline

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42925965

Points: 3

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ditch your old-school social media platforms. Try Airdel instead

Hacker News - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 7:53pm


Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42925835

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: PricePilot – A Fast, No-Nonsense Price Comparison Platform

Hacker News - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 7:52pm

Hey HN,

I'm digital designer who has decided build a few different products the last 6 months: a web scraper that scrapes US ecommerce sites, a product API to store this information, and what I'm presenting to you, a price comparison shopping experience.

For now, I introduce PricePilot, a price comparison platform that allows people to compare product prices between US retailers like Best Buy, Amazon, and Walmart, with many more retailers to come in the future.

=== Background Exactly 12 months ago last year, I felt that the shopping journey was extremely fragmented and that I could design a better experience by integrating standard price comparison features with conversational AI.

I'm a solopreneur and builder which has been rewarding and extremely challenging. I've been building the PricePilot platform since Jan 3 this year and I must admit, I am feeling the strain of being a solo-non-technical-preneur and will likely be looking for a technical individual (either partner or as needed work) to help build other things out.

=== Why I Built This 1) I wanted to get my hands dirty and see if I could use AI tools to help bring design and ideas to life in code as I'm a digital product designer, not SWE. I'm currently using Cursor AI with Claude Sonnet 3.5 and the results have been fantastic so far! The current stack is Next.js, React, Vercel, Supabase, and Tailwind.

2) I'm hoping to create another income stream that isn't my day to day designer job and will be hoping to be remotely competitive with the top dogs such as Honey, Rakuten, Capital One shopping etc. They don't have all the features I am planning to implement which makes the shopping experience fragmented.

3) I want to explore how conversational AI can be integrated in an ecommerce setting and want to be the first price comparison site to have it! In the enterprise ecommerce space, Amazon has Rufus while no other major retailer has showed anything yet on the consumer end.

How It Works: 1) I have about 24,000 products so just type in a search like you would normally do. I've managed to get the product information as embeddings so there is a hybrid search as well (0.3 semantic, 0.7 text based).

2) You can add up to 3 products to compare tool from the listing or details page if there are products that you'd like to compare side by side.

3) Once you find a product that you're interested in buying, you can go to the product details page to see which US retailers have it. At the moment, I have only Best Buy and Amazon links directing to their websites. Walmart is intentionally broken because they have not accepted me into their program but I want to track how many users click on that button.

My To Do (to name a few): 1) Price Drop Alerts & Account Creation

2) Conversational AI shopping assistant

3) Category specific filters

4) Price history graph

5) Rewards/Loyalty program

6) Become an affiliate with more trusted US retailers

Issues: - The main thing bugging me right now is search relevance for a query in which I find the results not always super relevant. Building this has really made me appreciate how much we may take good search experience for granted and how challenging it can be to get it right!

My humble ask: 1) I would appreciate any feedback on the experience so far! What do you like? Not like? Any general thought or feedback.

2) Please share this with your community, network, friends, family!

3) Lastly, I'd appreciate if you could use my site to shop and then click on any of the Best Buy US or Amazon US links if you're looking to buy on those sites. If you make a qualifying purchase within a certain time period (I believe it's usually 24 hours), I would make a small commission and that would go a long way with helping me keep this project running as it's been all burn so far.

Thanks so much, Ivan

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42925827

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: Will secret tech be obsolete in the age of artificial superintelligence?

Hacker News - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 7:46pm

If artificial superintelligence can independently discover it, then maybe it won’t stay secret for long?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42925753

Points: 1

# Comments: 1

Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Looking for work is a full time job – So I created this tool

Hacker News - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 7:45pm


For anyone currently stuck in the grind of endlessly applying for jobs, I completely understand your frustration. I’ve been job hunting for the past four months, and it’s been painfully repetitive and time-consuming. Applying via LinkedIn often feels like throwing your resume into a sea of 1,000+ other applicants, even with daily alerts turned on.

What worked better for me was following founders, recruiters, VCs and other key connections. I’d wait for them to post about roles to their network and apply directly by sending them a DM. This strategy landed me a few interviews, more than going via traditional application portals.

To make this process less manual, I built a tracker that highlights posts from people sharing roles with their private networks. It’s 100% free, so feel free to check it out if you’re in the job market!


Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42925752

Points: 1

# Comments: 2

Categories: Hacker News

Chonky Palmtop

Hacker News - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 7:34pm
Categories: Hacker News

Ask a CTO

Hacker News - Mon, 02/03/2025 - 7:31pm
Categories: Hacker News
