Hacker News

Show HN: I made a digital circuit drawing and simulation game

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 6:43pm

Inspired by games like Turing Complete/Virtual Circuit Board/Logic World, I tried to make a mix of aseprite and wiredworld/wired-logic, the idea being the user can build a digital circuit using a "fullstack" pixelart creation workflow.

The circuit is just an image. The primitives are (i) connected wires which have undefined, 0 or 1 state during simulation (displayed brighter or darker in function of the state) and (ii) NANDs, which are little pixel triangles. During simulation the user can interact with any wire by clicking on it, toggling its state, which is cool for messing around when learning. The simulation uses a unit-delay event driven algorithm.

Then, on top of that there are little wire interfaces on the left side of the image that communicate with an external system. This external system is defined in lua and is simulated together with the main circuit (they alternate until convergence). By default there's a sandbox mode with a clock and a power-on-reset signal. The user can choose other "levels", where the API change and there are some problems to solve, from finding if a number is multiple of 3 to solving hanoi tower to finding if a number is prime. The idea is that if the user want to learn but not sure what to do they can try to solve these puzzles, or they can change the lua scripts to add their own stuff/interface for a custom project.

I've also included a small wiki (circuitopedia) with some basic digital concepts to guide those who are new or are a bit rusty. It's not super detailed but I guess it can at the very least present the concepts so the user can dig further on more serious material if they want to.

I developed the game in C with raylib, with scripting in lua/luajit. I've put the game on steam (for windows) and released the source code on github under GPLv3. There's also a web demo version on itch.io, even though it's a bit laggy: https://lets-all-be-stupid-foreva.itch.io/circuit-artist-dem... .

Feedback is appreciated!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41543642

Points: 1

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Categories: Hacker News

Ask HN: How do you find an SO?

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 6:37pm

I wfh, with no activities to think of, how can I find someone?

How did you find yours?

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41543603

Points: 2

# Comments: 1

Categories: Hacker News

OpenSCAD: The Programmer's Solid 3D CAD Modeller

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 6:02pm

Article URL: https://openscad.org/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41543386

Points: 30

# Comments: 10

Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: Switch colors in dotfiles between light and dark quickly

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 5:59pm

I developed a solution to manage color themes for my dotfiles efficiently. By using a Makefile alongside the Mustache templating engine, I can switch between a dark theme for nighttime and a light theme for daytime with a single command.

Each color theme is defined in its own file, allowing for easy creation of new themes without the need to modify every individual dotfile. This approach streamlines the process of theme management across my configurations.

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41543368

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: I Made Fleschkey – Non-AI Text Editor with Readability Insights

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 5:54pm

Hello, HN! After weeks of being frustrated with bloated software and AI writing tools, I decided to make something different—something simpler. That's how I created Fleschkey, my privacy-first, AI-free text editor.

Fleschkey is for writers who want their work to be clear. It gives instant feedback with a readability score based on the Flesch-Kincaid formula, made in 1975—a system that's been used in many ways since then.

To me, privacy means more than opting in or out. It means no one can see or take your data unless there's a good reason. That’s why everything stays on your device—no cloud, no AI, no data collection, no worries.

By the way, the text above received the following scores: Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 7.16 Flesch Reading Ease Score: 67.55 Reading Level: 7th grade (Plain English) Average Words per Sentence: 13.38 Average Syllables per Word: 1.49 Sentences: 8 Words: 107 Characters (including spaces): 639

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41543331

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

Support My Scouting

Hacker News - Sat, 09/14/2024 - 5:30pm
Categories: Hacker News
