Hacker News

Kamal: Deploy Web Apps Anywhere

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:54am

Article URL: https://kamal-deploy.org/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41555590

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

I'm building a 100% keyboard-driven RSS reader

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:50am

Article URL: https://coretext.io

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41555565

Points: 2

# Comments: 5

Categories: Hacker News

Show HN: A directory of boilerplates to help devs build fast

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:19am

Hey HN,

I've been working on a little side project, and I could really use your help and feedback. I'm a dev who's always struggled with starting new projects. You know that feeling when you have a great idea, but then you spend days just setting up the basics? Yeah, that was me. All. The. Time.

To solve this problem (at least for myself), I put together a simple directory of starter kits and boilerplates: https://buildfast.club

It's pretty basic right now, but here's what it does:

- Lists about 20+ starter kits I've found useful - Details the features, tech stacks, and use cases - Shows some basic stats like monthly visitors - Has a simple upvote and rating system for rankings

I'm not sure if it's actually helpful to anyone else, but I thought maybe other devs might find it useful too?

I'd really appreciate your thoughts:

> Is this something you'd find helpful? Why or why not?

> What features would make this more useful for you?

> Is the current information (monthly traffic, features, etc.) valuable? What else should I include?

> Is it easy to navigate? (I'm not good at design, so any UI/UX feedback is welcome)

> Are there any great starters or boilerplates I'm missing?

I'm not looking to monetize this - just want to create a helpful resource for the community. Any feedback, criticism, or ideas would be hugely appreciated!

Also, if you know of any awesome starters that should be on the site, please let me know. I'd love to add them!

Thanks for reading this far. You all never fail to provide insightful feedback!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41555284

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

A Collaborative IPv6 Book

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:16am

Article URL: https://github.com/becarpenter/book6

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41555267

Points: 1

# Comments: 0

Categories: Hacker News

The Dune Shell

Hacker News - Mon, 09/16/2024 - 8:12am
Categories: Hacker News
